Chronicled Memories

Love those who love you unconditionally, even on the those days you can't love yourself at all…

For If It Is Me

For if it is me,
who brushes the hair from her face;
Then it should be me,
that slows her life’s rapid pace

For if it is me,
who gives her strength and due solace;
Then it should be me,
who removes the pain and the malice

For if it is me,
who wraps her safe in my arms;
Then it should be me,
who will protect her from harm

For if it is me,
that she fills my heart with such magic;
Then it should be me,
who removes all that is tragic

For if it is me,
that she is so joyous and proud;
Then it should be me,
who roars their love forever loud

For if it is me,
that she slumbers on my chest;
Then it should be me,
who selfishly gives her rest

For if it is me,
who she chooses in life;
Then it should be me,
That’s graced to have her as my wife


T.E. Snyder

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2 responses to “For If It Is Me”

  1. I love this version!!!! And I love you!!!

  2. I really like meeting useful information , this post has got me even more info!.Thanks!

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